Monday, November 21, 2011

4 Truths From a 4 Year Old
Part 4

By Ace McKay

As we wrap up the final week in the series, we are looking at the final truth that needs attention when it comes to your music.

She Only Wants A “Variety” of Songs “She Loves.”

I want my daughter to be diverse in her musical taste. Her variety is widespread but again it’s only on the songs she really loves and I enjoy when she brings music to me now that I’ve not heard. Our listeners are the same way. It’s not our job to make them listen to a bunch of songs and styles because we want them to be diverse and educated. Basically, this truth points out the misinterpretation of “variety”. They ONLY want a variety of the songs they love not a bunch of new music.
Now, this is not rocket science. If you have kids, you’ve probably witnessed some of this behavior from them. No matter how much I want my daughter to like what I like, she’s only going to like what “she likes.”
Bottom line, People don’t listen to radio for music. The listen to the radio for music they love!
Last Weeks Blog: 4 Truths From a 4 Year Old Part 3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

4 Truths From a 4 Year Old Part 3

4 Truths From a 4 Year Old
Part 3

By Ace McKay

If you are finding it easy to apply these truths, then this week will be the easiest of them all.

 She’ll Only Listen To “New Music” When It’s Memorable.
The cool thing about my daughter when she was 4 and our listeners is when you do find a new song that fits their style it’s like GOLD! What song is on your desk now that the listeners will hear and say, “That song was written about me.”? Play it, test it, play it some more, being quick to pull it if it tanks is just as key as picking the right song to begin with it. When my daughter finds a new song she really loves, she latches on to it and that’s all she really wants to hear for a while. That’s the kind of song you want to play on your stations.

Next Week is the Final Week:      She Only Wants A “Variety” of Songs “She Loves.”
Last Weeks Blog: 4 Truths From a 4 Year Old Part 2

Monday, November 7, 2011

4 Truths From a 4 Year Old Part 2

4 Truths From a 4 Year Old 
Part 2
By Ace McKay

Looking more into the eyes of 4 year old is so cute and fun but also shapes the music we play on the air because:

 She’ll Only Listen TO “New Music” if it fits the type of Music She Already Likes
I’m always looking to educate my daughter on new songs and new artist. I know what she already likes, so I know what types of songs to bring into her mix that fall into that pattern of songs she already likes. Every time I’ve tried to introduce a song that I like, thinking I can force a style or artist on her, she rejects it. “No, Daddy, I don’t like this one.” Are you trying to force your listeners to hear music that don’t like? I’ve heard it before from stations saying, “But I’m playing the equivalent of the mainstream competition” or “we need these 4 new songs an hour so that we appeal to those who complain that we play the same songs all the time.” That’s like forcing someone to eat broccoli and because they ate it, they will like it. No, they will throw the plate on the floor and go buy a hamburger. When people turn off your station, too much new music or the wrong kind of songs could be the damage control you need address to bring the listeners back to the table.