Monday, October 24, 2011

Comfortably Numb

 At some point, we all have heard a listener say, "Your station has been a real blessing in my life" or “My kids love listening to you in the morning." These phrases, or the various versions of them, are things we hear daily: on the phone or at station events and remotes. Have you really stopped to think about what those words mean and the true passion that comes from your listeners when they say them? In 2004, I was a part of the start up team for WAYT/88.1 WAY-FM. The station was 10 years in the making. In the 18 months prior to the actual sign-on, there was one delay after the other. The tower issues lingered on so long it made me want to stand on the tower myself with a piece of aluminum foil just to get something going! We were even 20 minutes behind schedule the day of sign-on due to a bad storm the night before. A big tree fell and knocked out power o the transmitter so we literally struggled up to the last minute. While waiting for the transmitter to come back on, it was amazing to put new sweepers, promos and sign-on events together in preparation to tell people about a NEW radio station that could truly make a difference in their lives.

 I’ve had the privilege to be a part of several heritage stations and with each of them loyal listeners came. I never gave any thought to the fact that it had to start with just "one listener." I don't think I truly appreciated the value and power behind thanking someone for listening to a radio station; that is, until I had to help build listeners one. I'm ashamed to admit it but I realized I'd become numb. It's what I’ve come to call the Comfortably Numb Syndrome (CNS). CNS is simply a pattern where your fan base is so loyal you simply take them for granted. Whether you started the station or not, you might think because you have listeners now they will always listen. It's not a cocky altitude. It's easy to be so busy you only hear it and don't relish in learning some-one loves your station for the difference you are making and have made in their lives. There are so many stations on the dial; internet, smart phones and iPods but that person chose your station over all of them. Do you ever stop to realize they are not only listening, but took the time to come out to one of your events or even call or email you their thoughts about why they love your Station?

 Your station has a beginning! How often do you Celebrate it? Not just the staff and the station, but with the LISTENERS! What an honor to have them call YOU their favorite. What would happen to your mindset if you had to start over today? How would it effect what you do at your station? It’s scary! I can't help but be humbled by the thought of no listeners. What would you say on the air? What songs would you play? What events would you do? When a listener calls to say “thank you” for being on the air, how quick are you to turn it back on them and say “thanks for listening?” 

1 comment:

  1. Just yesterday a listener called the station, thanked me and said how much he was enjoying the music. I don't remember my response, but the next time it happens I'll respond with more gratefulness! Thank you for the reminder.

